25 Years of Technical Instructional Design

Hi there, I'm Kel Krehbiel. Since 2001, my career has centered on providing creative and innovative ways for people to learn the things they need to know in order to do effective work.

I make cool things that teach people how to do important stuff.     

Kel Krehbiel smiling in a selfie.


  • Instructional Design

    I work to translate SME-speak into quality experiences using engaging, metric-driven eLearning solutions.

  • Learning Metrics

    Leveraging xAPI to ensure that my work creates cultures of constant instructional improvement.

  • Web/Graphic Design

    I have produced high-quality web experiences for public and private sector clients nationwide.

Skills Overview

  • eLearning Changing behavior in unexpected and innovative ways.
  • Design Making compelling and engaging end products.
  • Metrics Sending, receiving, and applying experiential data.
  • Coding Using multimodal solutions to empower learning.
  • Humor Finding ways to tastefully inject fun into all that I do.

I have been working as a training professional in one manner or another for a quarter of a century. Over this time, I have built a skill set that combines technical savvy with applied creativity to produce truly memorable and engaging instructional experiences. My role has always been to advocate for the learner, constantly respecting the SME while keeping in mind that they are seldom the intended audience. This has resulted in a series of quality learning experiences that have netted measurable, impactful results. I absolutely love what I do, and have had the distinct pleasure of working with amazing people to do it.


My professional portfolio is currently under construction. If you'd like examples of my work, please contact me.